+40 766 512 356
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Who we are
Oxi Dev is located in one of the most beautiful cities in Romania, Sibiu. We are specialized in custom development of complex websites build around open-source solutions.
Why choose Oxi Web?
When a website is fully functional, only 40% of the development work is actually done. That accounts for less than half of what really needs to be implemented. This is why it's so hard to judge the success of a webproject. What appears to be working could fail very fast when real users start to use the site.
Besides the functionality, the following things must be taken into account while developing a web application:
  • Security
    No data from the user can be trusted.
  • Scalability
    You have a web application that works well for 100 users per day. What if the web project turns out to be the great success that you dream of? Can it handle 100.000+ users per day without a complete rewrite?
  • Quality of the code
    Do you need lots of engineers just to maintain the code? That means that the quality of the code is not what it should be.
    In web projects that survives for more than 1 or 2 years, the innitial development costs are dwarfed by maintenance costs. If the code is poorly written, uncommented, hard to extend, these costs will increase dramatically.
    The only solution to this is to start smart & keep being smart:
    1. reuse code throught Object Oriented Programming
    2. be very strict about code formatting
    3. comment a lot
    Good code can be "scanned" in order to understand it, just like a good website tells you what the site is about without a manual. If you find that reading the code requires the attention of a student of medicine,then most likely the code is poorly written.
  • Performance
    Both server side and client side measures have to be taken in order to make the web experiece fast and feel fast. The attention span of Internet users is measured in seconds. If the side loads slowly, you will loose users.
Do you still think that a website
that "works" is finished?
Free hosting
Projects that are develloped by us get free hosting for 1 year or up to 5000 unique users per day, whatever comes first. Your project(s) will be hosted on high performance servers in a datacenter located in Germany. The servers are connected to the outside world on 1Gb connections.